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Dean Stanton Wortham

An award-winning teacher, scholar, and documentary film producer, Stanton E. F. Wortham, Ph.D., comes to the Lynch School of Education and Human Development as its inaugural Charles F. Donovan, S.J., Dean from the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education, where he was the Judy and Howard Berkowitz Professor and associate dean for academic affairs.

A linguistic anthropologist and educational ethnographer with particular expertise in how identities develop in human interactions, Wortham has conducted research spanning education, anthropology, linguistics, psychology, sociology, and philosophy. He is the author or editor of nine books and more than 80 articles and chapters that cover a range of topics including linguistic anthropology, discourse analysis, “learning identity” (how social identification and academic learning interconnect), and education in the new Latino diaspora. 


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Teaching and Administrative Experiences


Assistant Professor of Education, Bates College (1993-1998) 

Assistant Professor of Education, University of Pennsylvania (1998-2000)

Associate Professor of Education, University of Pennsylvania (2000-2004)

Professor of Education, University of Pennsylvania (2004-2016)

Judy and Howard Berkowitz Professor of Education, University of Pennsylvania (2006-2016)

Chair, Educational Leadership Division, University of Pennsylvania GSE (2000-2004)

Chair, Education, Culture & Society Division, University of Pennsylvania GSE (2011-2015)

Acting Dean, University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education (2002)

Interim Dean, University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education (2006-2007)

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, University of Pennsylvania GSE (2004-2006; 2007-2015)

Faculty Director of Online Learning, University of Pennsylvania (2015-2016)

Member, Anthropology Graduate Group, University of Pennsylvania (1999-2016)

Charles Donovan, S.J., Dean, Lynch School of Education and Human Development, Boston College (2016-present)


Acting out participant examples in the classroom. Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1994.

The fate of the self in a constructivist age (Guest Editor). A special issue of the Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 12(2), 1999.

Narratives in action: A strategy for research and analysis. New York: Teachers College Press, 2001.

Language ideology and education (Stanton Wortham & Anthony Berkley, Guest Editors). A special issue of Linguistics & Education, 12 (3), 2001.

Education in the new Latino diaspora: Policy and the politics of identity. (Stanton Wortham, Edmund Hamann & Enrique Murillo, Editors). Westport, CT: Ablex, 2002.

Linguistic anthropology of education (Stanton Wortham & Betsy Rymes, Editors). Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003.

Discourse across speech-events: Intertextuality and interdiscursivity in social life (Asif Agha & Stanton Wortham, Guest Editors). A special issue of Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 15(1), 2005.

Learning identity: The joint emergence of social identification and academic learning. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006

Bullish on uncertainty: How organizational cultures transform participants. (Alexandra Michel & Stanton Wortham) New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Youth cultures, language and literacy (Guest Editor). Review of Research in Education, 35, 2011.

Beyond macro and micro in the linguistic anthropology of education (Guest Editor). A special issue of Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 43(2), 2012.

Discourse analysis beyond the speech event. New York: Routledge, 2015. (Stanton Wortham & Angela Reyes)

Revisiting education in the New Latino Diaspora (Edmund Hamann, Stanton Wortham & Enrique Murillo, Editors). Charlotte: Information Age Publishing, 2015.

Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Volume 3: Discourse and Education (Stanton Wortham & Deoksoon Kim, Editors). New York: Springer, 2016.

*These information are excerpted from Boston College page. 

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Download the book for FREE!

Migration Narratives: Diverging Stories in Schools, Churches, and Civic Institutions.

“This book offers an ambitious, sociohistorically-informed examination of Mexican migrants' trajectories within an East Coast community, revealed through participant observation in diverse spaces and analyses of narratives told about immigrants in this town. Complex, nuanced and compelling: a must-read for anyone interested in how local histories intersect to shape contemporary experiences of migration.” —Marjorie Faulstich Orellana, Professor of Education and Associate Director of the Center for the Study of International Migration, UCLA, USA.

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