AAAL Conference Presentations
The American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) is a professional organization of scholars who are interested in and actively contribute to the multi-disciplinary field of applied linguistics. AAAL members promote principled approaches to language-related concerns, including language education, acquisition and loss, bilingualism, discourse analysis, literacy, rhetoric and stylistics, language for special purposes, psycholinguistics, second and foreign language pedagogy, language assessment, and language policy and planning. --- AAAL Official Website
AAAL 2023
Portland, OR
Title: An Online Narrative-Writing Program for Elementary ELL Students
Presenters: Kei Yatsu, Deoksoon Kim, Mary Austin, Sarah Alexander, Elizabeth Mahar (Boston College) & Yoonmi Kang (Harvard University Graduate School of Education)
Title: “My World Lost Its Color”: International Students’ Experiences with Online Learning During COVID-19
Presenters: Katrina Borowiec, Deoksoon Kim, Jingqiao (Sylvie) Qiu, Angela Lim, Alex Katz, & Benjamin Chieng (Boston College)
Title: Game-Based Language Learning in Online After School Environments
Presenters: Yoonmi Kang (Harvard University Graduate School of Education), Deoksoon Kim (Boston College), Leslie Kim (Centreville High School), Emma June Voorhees (College of William and Mary), Grace Zhang (Boston College), Zhixuan Qi (University of Texas at Austin), & Junyi Sun (University of Toronto)
Title: A Systematic Multimodal Model for Analyzing ESOL Teachers’ Digital Stories
Presenters: Stanton Wortham (Boston College), Deoksoon Kim (Boston College), Leslie Kim (Centreville High School), Grace Zhang (Boston College), & Yoonmi Kang (Harvard University Graduate School of Education)
NABE Conference Presentations
Since 1975, the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) has been a non-profit membership organization that works to advocate for educational equity and academic excellence for bilingual/multilingual students in a global society.
--NABE official website
NABE 2023
Portland, OR
Title: Teachers’ experiences and identity development in an online after-school program for ELLs
Presenters: Katrina Borowiec (Boston College), Leslie Kim (Centreville High School), Deoksoon Kim (Boston College), Stanton Wortham (Boston College), Yoonmi Kang (Harvard University Graduate School of Education), Jingqiao (Sylvie) Qiu (Boston College), & Angela Lim (Boston College)
Title: An online summer writing program for ELLs based on systemic functional linguistics and genre pedagogy
Presenters: Deoksoon Kim (Boston College), Katrina Borowiec (Boston College), Stanton Wortham (Boston College), Yoonmi Kang (Harvard University Graduate School of Education), Leslie Kim (Centreville High School), Jingqiao (Sylvie) Qiu (Boston College), & Angela Lim (Boston College)
Title: “My world lost its color”: International students’ experiences with online learning during COVID-19
Presenters: Stanton Wortham (Boston College), Katrina Borowiec (Boston College), Leslie Kim (Centreville High School), Deoksoon Kim (Boston College), Yoonmi Kang (Harvard University Graduate School of Education), Jingqiao (Sylvie) Qiu (Boston College), & Angela Lim (Boston College)
AERA Conference Presentations
The American Educational Research Association (AERA), a national research society, strives to advance knowledge about education, to encourage scholarly inquiry related to education, and to promote the use of research to improve education and serve the public good. --AERA official website
AERA 2023
Chicago, IL
Title: Culturally Relevant Approach to Science Teaching and Learning
Presenters: Deoksoon Kim, So Lim Kim, & Michael Barnett (Boston College)
Title: Measuring Faculty Engagement in Online Formative or Whole-Person Education: A Revised Instrument and Item Response Theory Model
Presenters: Stanton Wortham, Katrina Borowiec, & Deoksoon Kim (Boston College)
Title: English Language Learners' Language and Literacy Development Through a Systemic Functional Linguistics–Based Online Summer Writing Program
Presenters: Kei Yatsu, Deoksoon Kim, Katrina Borowiec (Boston College), & Yoonmi Kang (Harvard Graduate School of Education)
Title: Hyukshin Schools in Korea: Educational Change Toward Whole-Person Education
Presenters: Stanton Wortham, Clara Dahee Shim, Deoksoon Kim, Dennis Shirley, & Heiyeon Shin (Boston College)
Title: Faculty Engagement Patterns in Online Formative or Whole-Person Education
Presenters: Deoksoon Kim, Katrina Borowiec, Elizabeth Barsotti, & Stanton Wortham (Boston College)